As an MSP, you take many steps to secure your clients’ data from breaches. But with cyber threats constantly evolving, it’s essential to add that extra layer of protection with cyber insurance—for both you AND your customers. Listen to this episode of The...
A limitation of liability clause is one of the provisions used in contracts for the purposes of allocating and managing risk between the parties. The economics of a contractual relationship for vendors of outsourced services call into question whether the pursuit of...
MSP Radio interview with Thomas M. Fafinski: Cyber Security. Thomas M. Fafinski discusses the federal legal and contractual issues a...
MSP Radio 116: Crafting an MSA Agreement ft. Thomas M. Fafinski November 09, 2016: Podcast On this episode of MSP Radio, Nate and Joe talk to Thomas Fafinski of Virtus Law about MSA agreements. How MSPs are using them in 2016? Should anything be updated? What should...
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