In this episode of the MSP Law Podcast, Tom Fafinski sits down with Madhur Dugar, senior adviser at Excendio and host of M&A Insights, to explore the legal and financial gymnastics required to prepare your MSP for sale. From mastering C-Corp tax benefits (hello,...
January 8, 2019 – Thomas M. Fafinski presents to a managed service provider’s mastermind group focused on merger and acquisition activity relating to the initial stages of business acquisition and letters of intent.
Thomas M. Fafinski attends national peer groups for MSPs and provides subject matter expert advice relating to mergers and acquisitions in the MSP world to several MSP peer groups.
MSP Radio 029: The Anatomy of a Successful Business Acquisition Nov 5, 2014 There’s a lot that goes into a business acquisition and it’s important to have the right advisors to take you through the acquisition process. More importantly, there are a number of key...
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