The Vault

The Vault

If you are the type of person that wants to control your investments and have access to the funds – all while keeping them out of the reach of your creditors, including your ex-spouses and your children’s ex-spouses, you should consider the Vault.  MSPs...
Cyber Security for MSPs

Cyber Security for MSPs

MSP Radio interview with Thomas M. Fafinski: Cyber Security.  Thomas M. Fafinski discusses the federal legal and contractual issues a...

Defense that scores you Offense

DON’T IGNORE YOUR DEFENSE (Especially if it Scores you Points) Author: Thomas M. Fafinski, Attorney/Partner, VIRTUS LAW, PLLC Most managed service providers (“MSPs”) exert their efforts on their offense.  Little attention is spent on defense.  The...

MSP ADA compliant websites

The MSP Show Is Your MSP Website ADA Compliant? Jun 3rd, 2019 Is your MSP website up to ADA Compliance standards?  Anthony Buonaspina from LI Tech Advisors ( and Thomas Fafinski from Virtus Law discuss what it takes for your MSP website...
What are Master Service Agreements

What are Master Service Agreements

Thomas M. Fafinski on “The MSP Show” with Stuart Crawford MSP Legal Corner: What Are Master Service Agreements? Tom and Stuart Crawford talk about the importance of having a Master Services Agreement and what could happen if you don’t have an all inclusive agreement...